Free Boiler Grants & Heating Grants
Boiler grants to replace inefficient boilers with a modern, more energy efficient Boiler are available to homeowners receiving certain income-related benefits and tax credits.
Currently, Back Boilers and Non-condensing boilers typically older than 15 years should be eligible for replacement. Oil, solid fuel and LPG boilers should also qualify. If you have no Central Heating but your property was connected to the gas network before April 2022, you can also qualify for a full Central Heating system.
Boiler grants & Central Heating grants have been introduced to support householders living in fuel poverty. Full grants cover the cost of a replacement Boiler or full Central Heating system, in addition to home insulation. These grants are available through the Energy Companies Obligation (ECO).
Who Qualifies For A Free Boiler Or Central Heating Grant?
100% Free Boiler & Heating grants are available to homeowners and tenants renting from private landlords. Homeowners in receipt of a qualifying income-related benefit can receive a replacement Boiler or full Central Heating system if there isn’t one in place at present; and private tenants can qualify for First Time Central Heating.
Private tenants, must have permission from their landlord before organising a grant. Tenants who share ownership of the property with a housing association and own 50% or more can also qualify.
Someone living in the property must be in receipt of at least one of the main income-based benefits shown below. Most benefits qualify automatically but there are household income limits on Tax Credits and Universal Credit:
- Child Benefit *
- Child Tax Credit *
- Housing Benefit (not the single-person’s 25% Council Tax discount)
- Income Based JSA
- Income-Related ESA
- Income Support
- Pension Credit Savings Credit
- Pension Guarantee Credit
- Working Tax Credit *
- Universal Credit *
* Household income limits apply.
Please visit our Free Heating web site to see if you qualify!
Which Boilers/Heating Systems Qualify Free?
If you have a boiler installed, it must be over 15 years old and a back-boiler or non-condensing boiler. Oil, solid fuel and LPG boilers also qualify.
If you do not have a boiler, ie your main heating is open fires, electric fires, gas fires, LPG bottles, etc, you can also apply for a grant. Electric storage heaters and warm air systems can also qualify for grant assistance.

What If I Don't Qualify?
If you don't qualify for boiler grants, EnergyLink installers may be able to help you with Finance. This is a type of loan that uses the savings on heating bills to cover the loan repayments.
We can also arrange for you to have up to three quotes from approved installers (local to you) via one of our partner companies. Please visit our website for details.
How can EnergyLink help?
Following your application for a Boiler or Heating Grant, you will be allocated to an approved heating installer who has access to ECO grant funding. If you provide an email address, we will also send you the installer's details.
Our installer will then telephone you to organise a free no-obligation survey. The surveyor will check that your Boiler or heating system qualifies and verify your grant entitlement. They will also identify other Energy saving products that you may be entitled to, such as Loft, Cavity or External Wall Insulation.
If you would like to proceed after the survey, they will install the new Boiler or Central Heating system and then claim the grant amount from an Energy supplier or one of their agents.